The Seven Questions To Ask Yourself

These questions will form the structure of your work and enable you to sort your knowledge into useful categories.

Stop the Fighting & Biting
  • 1 Stage of Development: Is the child’s current physical/social/emotional development impacting his/her ability to handle stressors?
  • 2 Past Experiences & Recent Changes: What were the child’s previous experiences with fighting and biting? What kinds of stressors or changes have there been in the child’s home or at the child care program recently?
  • 3 Speech and Language: Is the lack of verbal skills causing frustration?
  • 4 Physical Condition: Is the child’s physical condition a contributing factor in the behavior?
  • 5 Temperament: What role does the child’s temperament play in the behavior?
  • 6 The Environment: What effect does the physical environment of the home or child care program have on the child?
  • 7 Limit Setting: What kind of limit setting is the child currently experiencing at home and with other caregivers?